School Day
(suggesting a school curriculum yet-to-come, while enjoying it in realtime)
Free, All-Ages
Sat, July 9, 2022
Drop-in class schedule
Revolution, permaculture, indigenous wisdom, non-violent direction action, music, ecofeminist polyamory... choose your own adventure
Drop-In Class Schedule
8:00 AM

free breakfast
Room: Kitchen and outside patio
9:00 AM-9:50 AM
1st period
Climate Anxiety & Mental Health: a facilitated discussion about mental health and activism, with Raquel Juarez/ Fridays For Future Utah. Room 201
Making Friends and Changing Laws: from grassroots to tall trees, with Dr. Ben Abbott/ BYU Abbott Lab of Ecosystem Ecology + Don't Pave Utah Lake. Room 202
Factory Farming Stinks: The impacts of modern day animal agriculture on our planet, human and non-human animals, with Esther Valero/ Factory Farming Awareness Coalition. Room 207
10:00 AM-10:50 AM
2nd period
Indigenous Stewardship: our combined responsibility to all our relations, with Carl Moore/ Our Unsheltered Relatives + PANDOS + SLC Air Protectors. Room: Commons
11:00 AM-11:50 AM
3rd period
Superhero Training for the Revolution: Building new worlds by connecting to our creative energies through stories, art, and movement, with Esther Meroño Baro/ Movement Building Medicine. Room 201
Non-violent Direct Action Workshop: Who has changed the world and how can I do the same?, with Milo Grace/ Fridays For Future Utah + (Milo social: IG / YT). Room 202
Combating Climate Change and the Loss of Biodiversity through America’s Red Rock Wilderness Act. We are going to cover the history of climate change and the decline of flora and fauna in the United States and how the ARRWA can help to reduce the human influence on these issues, with Keegan Galloro/ Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance (SUWA). Room 207
11:55 AM-12:55 PM
free lunch
Room: Kitchen and outside patio

1:00 PM-1:50 PM
4th period
Georgie Talks Non Monogamy: A discussion on non traditional relationship dynamics, the poor representation of them in media, and how to use communication skills to navigate all relationships, with Georgie Corkery/ Long Hair Do Care Podcast. Room 201
Circle Up Training: Learn how to facilitate intersectional justice among eco/BIPOC/LGBTQI activists and other(ed) peers at your high school. You will get the chance to practice these skills today at 2pm at the Closing Circle Up and in the Fall, at East High School. With Dr. David Dominguez/ Ecotopia Now!. Room 202
Sunrise Panel: a conversation with climate activists. Hosted by: Missy Sifre and Adair Kovac/ Sunrise Movement. Room 207
2:00 PM-2:45 PM
small group youth-facilitated circle-ups, followed by a large group closing circle. Room: Commons
2:45 PM-3:30 PM
open hang out
Open time to just hang out and chat with students and mentors. Clean up too. Room: Outside patio
U comin'?
Help us get a headcount for food, by RSVP'ing below:
covid & Accessibility info:
We are following the COVID-19 Policies of Spy Hop campus. Masks are optional.
Ecotopian School Day is not providing masks and sanitizer, so we encourage you to bring your own if you'd want them accessible.
Mobility: Spy Hop is an ADA-compliant facility, including elevator and restrooms. Chairs are provided in each classroom.
Although we will not be live-streaming, all the classes will be filmed and uploaded to Youtube in the days following "Ecotopian School Day." (This also helps to prevent FOMO since there are so many cool classes. Don't worry, you won't miss anything).
Ecotopian School Day is a project of Ecotopia Now!, individuals from Fridays For Future Utah, Granite Clean Energy Campaign, Utah Youth Environmental Solutions, and more. Special thanks to our friends at Spy Hop in SLC for hosting, Food Not Bombs SLC for lunch supplies, and Vertical Diner for free coffee. For more info feel free to holler at: info *(at symbol)* studioecotopia.com